Events Reference

Below are sample request payloads you will receive based on the webhook event types you have selected for your campaign.


Description: When a participant submits a reward form from the advocate portal

  "createdAt": 1558345202613,
  "data": {
    "id": "def678",
    "participantId": "x9a7uu",
    "participantEmail": "",
    "rewardId": "xlj123",
    "status": "UNREVIEWED",
    "formData": {
      "linkedinPostUrl": ""
    "participant": {
      "id": "x9a7uu",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Richard",
      "lastName": "Hendricks",
      "notes": "",
      "rank": 9,
      "isWinner": true,
      "loyaltyActionCount": 11,
      "monthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 8,
      "prevMonthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 0,
      "createdAt": 1554431962667,
      "loyaltyActionSource": "DIRECT",
      "fraudRiskLevel": "LOW",
      "metadata": {
        "piedPiperUserId": "12a39-8aajd-1dwiq",
        "companyName": "Pied Piper, Inc",
        "teamSize": "1-10"
    "reward": {
      "conversionsRequired": 1,
      "couponCode": "LI_25_GIFT",
      "createdAt": 1542560101404,
      "description": "Make a LinkedIn post mentioning Pied Piper",
      "subdescription": "Post must be less than 1 week old from date of submission",
      "instructions": "<div><p><strong>Helpful tips:</strong></p><ul><li>Talk about how you used to do things before using Pied Piper</li><li>Mention specific ROIs (e.g, time saved, revenue generated)</li></ul></div>",
      "cta": "Get $25",
      "submissionType": "URL",
      "submissionExampleUrl": "",
      "submissionFormUrl": "",
      "submissionFormFields": [
          "key": "linkedinPostUrl",
          "label": "Your LinkedIn Post URL",
          "placeholder": "Enter your LinkedIn Post URL here",
          "type": "text",
          "isRequired": true,
          "isVisible": true
      "submissionFormButtonText": "Submit",
      "submissionFormMessages": {
        "required": "is required",
        "reCaptchaRequired": "You must pass the reCAPTCHA verification.",
        "success": "Thanks! We have received your response.",
        "error": "There was an error. Please try submitting again.",
        "alreadySubmitted": "You already submitted this form."
      "imageUrl": "",
      "limit": 1,
      "title": "LinkedIn Post Mention",
      "id" : "xlj123",
      "metadata": {
        "foo": "bar",
        "amount": "$25",
        "points": "1000"


Description: When a participant unlocks a new reward

Important notes:

  • If you have manual reward approval enabled for your campaign, events will be sent twice: (1) when the reward is pending approval and (2) when the reward is approved. To discern between unapproved/approved rewards, use the data.reward.approved property (approved rewards will have approved as true).

  "createdAt": 1558345202613,
  "data": {
    "participant": {
      "id": "x9a7uu",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Richard",
      "lastName": "Hendricks",
      "notes": "",
      "rank": 9,
      "isWinner": true,
      "loyaltyActionCount": 11,
      "monthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 8,
      "prevMonthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 0,
      "createdAt": 1554431962667,
      "loyaltyActionSource": "DIRECT",
      "fraudRiskLevel": "LOW",
      "metadata": {
        "piedPiperUserId": "12a39-8aajd-1dwiq",
        "companyName": "Pied Piper, Inc",
        "teamSize": "1-10"
    "reward": {
      "approved": true,
      "conversionsRequired": 1,
      "couponCode": "LI_25_GIFT",
      "createdAt": 1542560101404,
      "approvedAt": 1659474941892,
      "fulfilledAt": null,
      "description": "Make a LinkedIn post mentioning Pied Piper",
      "subdescription": "Post must be less than 1 week old from date of submission",
      "instructions": "<div><p><strong>Helpful tips:</strong></p><ul><li>Talk about how you used to do things before using Pied Piper</li><li>Mention specific ROIs (e.g, time saved, revenue generated)</li></ul></div>",
      "cta": "Get $25",
      "submissionType": "URL",
      "submissionExampleUrl": "",
      "submissionFormUrl": "",
      "submissionFormFields": [
          "key": "linkedinPostUrl",
          "label": "Your LinkedIn Post URL",
          "placeholder": "Enter your LinkedIn Post URL here",
          "type": "text",
          "isRequired": true,
          "isVisible": true
      "submissionFormButtonText": "Submit",
      "submissionFormMessages": {
        "required": "is required",
        "reCaptchaRequired": "You must pass the reCAPTCHA verification.",
        "success": "Thanks! We have received your response.",
        "error": "There was an error. Please try submitting again.",
        "alreadySubmitted": "You already submitted this form."
      "imageUrl": "",
      "limit": 1,
      "title": "LinkedIn Post Mention",
      "rewardId": "xlj123",
      "id" : "ccm2ue",
      "participantId": "x9a7uu",
      "metadata": {
        "foo": "bar",
        "amount": "$25",
        "points": "1000"


Description: When a new participant is added to the campaign (via signups from the advocate portal, REST API, and manual adding/importing from the admin dashboard).

  "createdAt": 1558345215720,
  "data": {
    "id": "p88y0a",
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Gavin",
    "lastName": "Belson",
    "notes": "This is obviously our competitor trying out our product!",
    "rank": 762,
    "isWinner": false,
    "loyaltyActionCount": 1,
    "monthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 0,
    "prevMonthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 0,
    "createdAt": 1554479231190,
    "loyaltyActionSource": "DIRECT",
    "fraudRiskLevel": "LOW",
    "loyaltyActionCountPerReward": {
    "metadata": {
      "piedPiperUserId": "au71p-121x9-88faa",
      "companyName": "Hooli, Inc",
      "teamSize": "10,000+"


Description: When the campaign ends.

Please note: Only the first 1,000 will be returned in the winners Array.

  "event": "CAMPAIGN_ENDED",
  "createdAt": 1558345152138,
  "data": {
    "id": "ct8f71",
    "name": "Pied Piper Advocate Program",
    "participantCount": 5661,
    "startedAt": 1522432573250,
    "endedAt": 1533532422153,
    "status": "COMPLETE",
    "loyaltyActionCount": 1673,
    "winnerCount": 1673,
    "winners": [
        "id": "x9a7uu",
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "Richard",
        "lastName": "Hendricks",
        "notes": "",
        "rank": 9,
        "isWinner": true,
        "loyaltyActionCount": 11,
        "monthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 8,
        "prevMonthlyLoyaltyActionCount": 0,
        "createdAt": 1554431962667,
        "loyaltyActionSource": "DIRECT",
        "fraudRiskLevel": "LOW",
        "metadata": {
          "piedPiperUserId": "12a39-8aajd-1dwiq",
          "companyName": "Pied Piper, Inc",
          "teamSize": "1-10"

Last updated