API Response Codes
Refer to the below response code glossary to help you troubleshoot any errors.
Response Code
REST API Explanation(s)
200 OK
The request was successful!
400 Bad Request
Participant cannot join this campaign.
The participant was prevented from being added to the campaign (please check that your campaign's anti-fraud settings are not set to Strict, or that you do not have the email or IP address blacklisted)
401 Failed to add participant
Participant was not able to join this campaign.
The person may be a high-risk fraudster, and has been blocked from entering the campaign. Learn more about how LoyaltySurf's anti-fraud system works.
Usage limit exceeded
403 Forbidden
You are not allowed to perform that action.
Your API key may be revoked or contain a typo, or you may be trying to interact with another user's campaign or participant data (which is not allowed).
404 Resource Not Found
The requested resource does not exist.
You may be trying to request a resource that does not exist or was deleted.
409 Conflict Duplicate Request
Conflicting duplicate request.
If a request is made but has not finished and that exact same request is made.
More details on the specific request will be provided within the returned error.
429 Too Many Requests
You have reached your <rate> limit
You have sent too many requests in a given time OR You have reached the usage limit in your current plan.
5XX Internal Server Error
The LoyaltySurf server is inaccessible or offline -- that's our fault! Check for updates on our status page.
Last updated